Title: AzDEO College Connections Expo
Location: Grand Canyon University 3300 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85017
Link out: Click here
Description: An opportunity for High School students to connect and learn about opportunities in Dance in our Higher Education Institutions, and for Higher Education Institutions to market their program and recruit High School students. Also for Community College students interested in transferring to a four-year institution.
$10.00 per higher ed institution. To register go to https://azdeo.org/dance/events/college-expo-higher-ed/
$10.00 per student or if registering a group of students from one school or studio, $50 for 7 students.
To register individually, go to https://azdeo.org/dance/single-student-registrations/
To register a group of students go to, https://azdeo.org/dance/multi-student/
Registration deadline is September 6th.
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2014-09-20
End Time: 15:30