Lisa R Chow, ADC President, 602-740-9616 PO Box 64852-4852, Phoenix AZ.

How to Add an Event to the Calendar

The Arizona Dance Coalition uses a state-of-the-art customized online calendar by Modern Tribe called THE EVENT CALENDAR (Pro version). There are a variety of tutorials on YouTube, but using this simple page of instructions (Word.docx or PDF) will be the easiest for you. If you still have trouble, don’t hesitate to contact gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@asiL or gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@anytsyrK.


How to Submit An Event

Your event will appear in the default MONTHLY VIEW on our CALENDAR webpage. There is also a LIST VIEW option.

WARNING: Before you begin, make sure you have an image/photo for the ‘Featured Image’ box. Uploading an image to this box is required for your post to be PUBLISHED.

Serving Arizona's dance communities and "creating connections" between the dancers and the general public.

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Send your news and event information before the 25th for the coming issue of the Arizona Dance e-Star,

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