Title: Alonzo King Lines Ballet
Location: Centennial Hall on the UA campus, 1020 E. University Blvd., Tucson
Link out: Click here
Description: “Alonzo King is one of the few bona fide visionaries in the ballet world today…,” proclaims the San Francisco Chronicle. His choreography, brought to life by the extraordinary LINES Ballet dancers, is renowned for connecting audiences to a profound sense of shared humanity. Collaborating with noted composers, musicians and visual artists from around the world, King creates works that draw on a diverse set of deeply rooted cultural traditions, imbuing classical ballet with new expressive potential. King understands ballet as a science – founded on universal, geometric principles of energy and evolution – and continues to develop a new language of movement from its classical forms and techniques.
Start Time: 07:00
Date: 2013-02-10
December 21, 2012