Title: Canyon Movement Company Celebrates their 20th Anniversary
Location: Clifford E White Theatre, Northern Arizona University Campus, Flagstaff
Link out: Click here
Description: CMC will be reworking old favorites for the Flagstaff Performance Arts and Film Festival. Dances such as Bus Stop, Polarized, Furbellowed Funnels, Ode to Jump, Divergence, Orbit, Reverence, and Confluence will be performed. There are no signs of slowing down in the future so please join us as we celebrate 20 years in 2013!!! Suggested donation $15/general, $8/child-student at the door. Call Gina Darlington, Director, for more information at 928-526-9403 or 928-774-3937 or email moc.liamgnull@1anigcmc. Visit at www.canyonmovementcompany.org, or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/canyonmovement
Date: 2013-04-29
April 29, 2013