Title: EPIK Dance Co presents COMMON GROUND
Location: Herberger Theater
Link out: Click here
Description: EPIK Dance Company, Arizona’s premier street-fusion dance company, is partnering with 92.7/99.3FM The BEAT to take their infectious passion for music and dance to the stage, presenting their first annual performance concert! “Common Ground” will treat audiences to over 90 minutes of original choreography developed and presented by members of the company that features contemporary, jazz, hip hop, b-boying, punking, and a variety of other dance styles. Each piece will showcase a different side of the multi-faceted dance troupe, while each story ties together with the presence of the show’s focal point –
Time: 7:30pm
Date: November 20, 2009
Time: 2:00pm & 7:30pm
Date: November 21, 2009