Title: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts Presents: Soledad Barrio and Noche Flamenca: Antigona
Location: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts: 7380 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Link out: Click here
Description: Under the direction of Martín Santangelo, the award-winning Noche Flamenca has become Spain’s most successful touring dance company. Formed in 1993 by Santangelo and his Bessie award-winning wife, Soledad Barrio, the company regularly tours throughout the globe and has been hailed for its transcendent and deeply emotional performances. Antigona is an evening-length theatrical flamenco interpretation of the text and themes in Sophocles’ classic story of strength and sacrifice.
“There has been no company I have been so glad to discover as Noche Flamenca and, above all, its lead dancer, Soledad Barrio. I can think of no current ballet star in the world as marvelous as she.”
– Alastair Macaulay, The New York Times
“Soledad Barrio is a gift to flamenco and the troupe a testament to the art’s underlying relevance.”
– Dance Magazine
Price: $59 $39 $29
Contact Phone: 480-499-8587
Contact Email: gro.straccsnull@eciffoxob
Web Page: https://www.scottsdaleperformingarts.org/event/soledad-barrio-and-noche-flamenca/
Start Time: 20:00
Date: 2015-04-25