Title: Step’s Junk Funk performs at MIM’s Teachers’ Preview Day
Location: Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), 4725 E. Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix, AZ 85050
Link out: Click here
Description: July 19, 2014
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Teachers’ Preview Day
Free for Arizona K‒12 educators, administrators, principals, registered student teachers, and homeschool educators
Connect with colleagues over light refreshments
See a performance by artist in residence Step’s Junk Funk
Take a sneak peek at MIM’s newest school tour option and see demonstrations of our Science Curriculum
Learn about Common Core and Arizona State Standards curricula available to use with their students pre- and post-visit
Receive information about grant opportunities
Win great prizes including: concert tickets, MIM gift cards, dinner at local restaurants, supplies for your classroom, and more
New This Year! For every colleague you bring to Teacher Preview Days, you will each receive an additional entry for a chance to win great prizes.*
Teachers’ Preview Day is also offered on July 27. See Step’s Junk Funk’s preview performance.
July is Educator Appreciation Month at MIM!
This program is made possible with the support of Western Refining and APS.
*Thank you to our generous sponsors for providing drawing prizes: Bobby Q, Carefree Resort & Conference Center, Cold Stone Creamery, Courtyard by Mariott and Springhill Suites (North Scottsdale), MIM Music Theater, MIM Museum Store, and Scottsdale Mariott at McDowell Mountains.
Start Time: 10:00am
Date: 2014-07-19