Title: Young Voices Mini Showcase
Location: Washington School High School 2217 W. Glendale Avenue; Phoenix, AZ 85021
Link out: Click here
Description: Young Voices – an effective community dance program that helps underprivileged students obtain a voice, express their individuality, and learn how to embody their language. Through Young Voices, Dancers and Health Together, Inc. (DAHT) gives inner city high school students an opportunity to explore conflicts and difficulty, and communicate those issues and resolutions through dance and movement.
This program currently involves two underprivileged schools: Washington and Westwood High Schools in Phoenix and Mesa, AZ. Young Voices includes dance classes twice a week for four weeks, and the students are preparing for a mini showcase that will occur on Thursday, December 19th at 7:30 PM in Washington High School’s auditorium. Kiersten Willis, a DAHT dance teacher and creator of the program, works with each high school during the course of the program. The first presentation of Young Voices occurred from February through April 2013 without the ending performance, so we are excited to show you the students’ choreography and movement this winter!
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2013-12-19
End Time: 21:00